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Fire Insurance

This policy provides you with comprehensive insurance protection that is specially designed to meet your business needs.

Loss or damage to your property insured relating to your trade / business described in the policy schedule caused by fire or lightning or explosion of domestic boilers and gas used for domestic purposes only

Optional Sections as mentioned below:-

a) Fire Consequential Loss
Loss of profits, loss of revenue, loss of rental, 100% wages or salaries on payroll basis and increased cost of working due to business interruption arising from loss or damage to your property insured under the Fire Section due to fire and / or its selected perils

b) Equipment All Risks
Loss or damage to your business plant and machinery including office equipments and forklifts within your premises arising from fire, theft, accidental damage and contingencies that are not specifically excluded in the policy

c) Burglary
Loss of stocks, equipments and contents due to theft, only if accompanied by forcible or violent breaking into or out of your premises by any person or persons other than your own employees or loss as a result of armed robbery or robbery with violence and damage to the premises as a result thereof

d) Money
Loss of money during transit or loss of money kept in your premises and damage to your premises as a result of theft, armed robbery or forcible and violent entry into your premises

e) Fidelity Guarantee
Loss of monies and goods as a result of act of fraud or dishonesty of any of your employee. The act of fraud or dishonesty committed by your employee must have happened during the period of insurance and be discovered during the period of insurance and within six months thereafter, or within six months after the death, dismissal or retirement of your relevant employee, whichever event shall happen first

f) Plate Glass
Any accidental damage that are not specifically excluded in the policy to your fixed plate glass of every description including any writing, painting or ornamentation in your premises

g) Public Liability
Your legal liability to pay compensation for third party accidental bodily injury or accidental damage to the third party property caused by or through your negligence or your employees.

h) Group Personal Accident
Your insured employees in the event of disability or death caused by the accidental means

i) Keyman Personal Accident
Your key person in the company in the event of death and permanent disablement caused accidental means.
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